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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Why we tend to binge eating...

Why we tend to binge eating...I bet that everybody asked themselves that question at least a couple times in their lives, no matter if they are those kind of people that always say- " I don't care how I look, I love my body the way it is, I think that we live one life and we should not restrict from the food we love...". But excuse me for being rude and interrupting them, is it really the food you love, or is it the feeling hidden behind it that you love more? Think a little bit, and you will find out that behind every food you "love" there is some past feeling, or event decoded... doesn't matter if it is the nice talk you had with the neighbor over a hot chocolate and french croissants or the nice feeling of security in your grandma's house accompanied with a pumpkin pie and a strawberry cake... is it possible that when you see that croissant or that pie, your mind goes unconsciously in the past and connects you with that happy feeling and that is why you feel that pleasure eating it...
I think that is the reason most people feel pleasure eating sweets and all that junk food... I think it is a mistake that since our early childhood we are stuffed with all that junk when we do something nice and our parents and relatives want to reward us with JUNK food... that means that they decode this habit from the beginning of our lives, and that is why most of us find it impossible to deal with it.... but hey, come on... do you think it is really an impossible thing...remember the nike commercial- "Impossible is nothing" ... so next time you feel you need to experience that happy feeling again...why not find something in the present that will make you that happy... remember? - "Never look back to the past, because you may trip over in the present and fall in the future"... so if you don't wanna trip in the present... just find something else that brings joy in your life....

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