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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Element-How finding your passion changes everything

One thing about me that not too many people are aware of is that I totally love reading books! I love reading biographies. My passion about biographies comes back from the days when I used to play basketball. I remember being somewhere around fourteen dreaming of playing in WNBA and becoming the best basketball player on Earth. I used to spend a lot of time daydreaming about it and I found inspiration reading about other athlete's success stories.

Later on when a bad injury put the end of my teenage dreams of being an all star basketball player I needed a different kind of inspiration. Back then there weren't a lot of people that had the faith in me. Not a lot of people trusted me that I could ever play another sport and all of them were trying to convince me how I should get rid of that passion about sports and just live a normal life-study, then find the regular job, sit on a desk for 8 hours, then go home sit some more and repeat all of this till I retire.

But that wasn't even close to what I was dreaming of! I decided that eventhough most of the people that surrounded me did not approve what I was striving for I was determined to fight for what I wanted. So I found inspiration in biography books. I read tons of biographies of athletes that overcame great obstacles and injuries. Athletes that deep in their hearts knew what they wanted and never lost sight of their goal even if they lost track of the path they were walking!

So as my life progresses I find it hard to keep living if I do not read a book like this every now and then. Today I finished reading "The Element" by Ken Robinson. It is not exactly a biograpy book, not even close. What captured me about the book is the second caption- " How finding your passion changes everything". That is simply the sentence that describes part of my philosophy about life.

The main point of the book is that the Element is the place where passion and skill meet. People find the Element when they engage in the thing that they love that they are also especially good at doing. This leads to more than just a sense of personal satisfaction. Being in the Element insulates people against unpredictable changes and leads to a more flexible and productive society.

The book illustrates the stories of celebrities, entrepreneurs, scientists,athletes and other highly accomplished people who have found The Element. It illustrates some of the struggles they faced and the never ending commitment to strive for what they truely believed they were born to do. The book shows how you have to find your passion, and then follow it in order to find your purpose. 

I totally liked the book because it is not that kind of recepie books, that teach you five steps that will turn your life from disaster to triumph. It is just a book that has true stroies about truely great people some of them famous, some of them not. They are all so different but they have one thing in common- they are truely happy because they found their passion and followed it.

I reccomend everybody reading it! It is pretty inspirational and makes you want to follow your own passion no matter what the obstacles.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Live like a candle which burns itself but gives light to others

      I've been sitting here all day reading... I had a little surgery yesterday and lost a little more blood than    planned so today I am forced to sit like an old old lady tired from life doing absolutely nothing! So as usual I am contemplating on life and the way we are supposed to live it...

Three days ago my grandma also had a surgery and I left her in the hospital. On the other day I was supposed to pick her up and drive her home...but in the evening I received the bad news that i was also going to have a surgery...and actually a couple surgeries... so I wasn't in the best mood... I'd say I am mentally strong but I always need that time just for myself to suffer the pain alone so I can overcome it and then move on...
I could not get any sleep the whole night. I felt so tired and confused I did not even wanna go and pick up my grandma from the hospital in the morning...I was thinking up some ways to ask somebody else to do it instead of me...

And then I felt so selfish... was I gonna get better if I stayed home, feeling hopeless and sad? Sure I wouldn't! But if I had not gone to pick up my granny she would probably be sad... so I decided I was going to neglect my selfpitty and try to make somebody else happy.

I went early in the morning, bought a rose for her on the way to the hospital. I left the flower in the car and went inside to take my grandma's stuff. She seemed kind of sad. I was sad myself but I tried to smile so she could feel better. We went to the car and I opened the door for her...and there was a big red rose waiting for her...my granny's face was shining...she was so happy. She laughed the whole way home and obviously forgot about the pain she was feeling...

...and guess what? That made my day too! So now there were two sad souls that were now shining...and what was the cost of it? Just a red rose... :)

My point is that people do not need a lot to be happy...it is the little things that make our life meaningfull and whole...

And when you are about to make the decision to feel sorry for yourself or make somebody's else day better....just go ahead and light up their life...you will be brightened by their light too... :)))